The Girl Behind The Lens

Sarah and Autumn

“When I think of Sarah Rolling, a lot of things come to mind, which most definitely happens when you have spent over a decade being friends with someone. I have had the chance to watch Sarah grow and hone her craft as a photographer. She started out as a beginner and still chooses to learn each and every day as if she was still new. She wants to become better for all of you, the people she inspires to pick up the camera, and her clients, whose memories she captures. Sarah is determined, passionate, creative, and beyond happy to do what she does every day. Are some days hard? Absolutely. Are long shoot days exhausting? Oh yeah. But she loves doing it and you can tell in multiple ways. She’s so happy to be around and makes shooting important moments easy and care-free, as they should be, since moments come and go so fast and we can never get them back.

She is so passionate about photography and strives to grow her craft and expand her knowledge. Any time Sarah isn’t shooting for clients, she’s attending workshops and updating her equipment to make sure it’s the best it can be for you. Some people may think this is an easy “side-gig”, but I guarantee the number of hours she puts in a week will shock you. How many of you want to sacrifice 25 weekends (out of 52) to shoot weddings? I know I sure don’t.

From Sarah, whether you want to learn or are a client, you are always going to get her all. She will take the time to teach you and she will take the time to work with you to make sure your pictures turn out like you dreamed they would. I am SO EXCITED for this blog and what’s to come from it. So stay tuned and enjoy what is to come!”

-Autumn Boland


Who exactly is Sarah Rolling?

I love my job and this industry so much. You all get to be along for this journey, watching me grow in my work and cheering me on every step of the way. You see what I do with my lens, but what about the girl behind the lens?

I have always wanted to start a blog. I feel as though so many of you reach out to me asking questions on becoming a photographer, why I do what I do, how I do what I do, and so much more. Creating this resource for you all to read and learn from, felt right.

Throughout this blog, I will be giving tips/pointers and even insight on the girl behind the lens because who is behind the lens, leads to the magic that comes from the lens. You all know I love being open and honest with you about my faith, my business, and my personal life. So, for the first ever blog post, I decided to give you a little bit more about me but with a twist. I am having my best friend Autumn Boland give you an '“outside looking in” point of view. We have been friends for so long that it only felt right to have her share with you who “the girl behind the lens” is.


I want to say thank you again to all of you who have helped me get here. I am so excited to help young entrepreneurs and give my clients a deeper look at the person who will be shooting your special moments. I will be releasing new blogs every other Wednesday at 4:00PM. Reach out to me via my social media platforms if there is a topic you would like me to cover!

With love,



3 Things to look for in a photographer for your wedding!!